I have a bunch of 30 or so Cory Hastatus on my 3 feet tank. They seem happy but just like hide behind my thick driftwood where I can see them. they come out during the dark or when no one is in front of the tank. Once there is anyone close by or walking near, they quickly swim and hide behind again.

I wonder what are the methods of getting them to come out more? I have a bunch of Tucanos and Coral Red Pencils and Clown Killi which are all out in the open and does not swim away when anyone is close. My 7 otos are also out in the open and do not swim away. It still does not seem to get the cory to feel safe to be out in the open.

I heard having some similar looking fish esp like Hyphessobrycon Elachys will get the cory schooling with the tetra. Anyone knows where I can get a Hyphessobrycon or has anyone tried it yet?