Having decided to use disposable can of CO2 for injection, is there any one who has the experience of knowing how much ( in ml) of CO2 one has to inject in a 38cmx24cmx25cm tank. I will be using high lighting and CO2 for the tank. I am planting one and only dwarf hair grass throughout the tank. The tank was covered with 7cm of gravel and base fertilizer which leave me only (25-7)cm of height. Without using any test kit hoping to know an estimated about of CO2 in ml to inject per day. Thank you.

After reading the 'CO2' stuff such as 20-30mg/l...i still do not know how to convert in mg/l (ppm) to ml. The equipment i am using for pumping CO2 has a measure of volume ( ie the shape of the equipment is has a cyclindrcal shape which i can measure the volume of CO2 to inject..