Hi everyone,

Just set up my 80l tank for a few goldfish and some basic aquapinics setup. Left it to cycle for a week and went out on camp for the past 4 days so couldn't monitor it. However I performed a 30% water change after I came back and tested water after that. However I got a really funny set of readings.

Ammonia 0 as expected.
Nitrite 1 ppm which is strange considering that a water change was performed and no Fishes or wastes were introduced for the cycling.

pH: 7.4 normal
Nitrate: 40 also strange.

The issue I have with this tank was also one I had earlier while this tank was being used as a breeding tank for 2 angelfish. They also suffered from Nitrate poisoning after 2 weeks.
However there are also some factors to be considered:
1) My test kits are long expired so the results might be inaccurate. However this has not been the case for the last year of over expiry use
2) I am not using a test tube rather I am using a plastic Sauce container as it is more durable and less fragile. This might affect results but same as 1) I have been using it for a year with no problems.
3) I used Clay pellets (like those found in Good wood and other nurseries) for my aquaponics. Do they contain excess Nitrites as fertilizer? The system I am using is a closed watering system where water is continually cycled through the Media. Hence is it because of it?

Right now have added extra Beneficial bacteria starter culture to quickly get rid of the Nitrite and build up a stronger colony. If that doesn't work in the next few weeks will individually test each component.

What are you thoughts on this matter? Thanks for advice!


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