
After seing the setups of mini planted aquariums thanks to a link a member posted a few days ago I have set up a 1 liter nanotank.

I have used a pretty 1 liter hermetic glass jar. I have planted it with Lilaeopsis brasiliensis in the back and a bit of Hydrocotyle leucocephala in the front. 50% hard tap water/50% Osmosis water. 1 inch of black gravel. 18W of 6500K PL-L fluos. A few daily drops of home made fertilizer (KNO3, K2SO4, MgSO4, H3PO4 and micros). 100% Water changed daily.

So far the plants are stagnant, the leucocephala is browning and a bit of transparent mucus is growing under its leaves.

I am using soda (carbonated water) to provide CO2. I use a commercial product to make soda. I just mix a bit of acid (malic and tartaric acids) and sodium bicarbonate in a glass of water wich I add to the mini aquarium.

How could I improve in the setup?. Are daily water changes and carbonated water harmful to plants?. Should I reduce this to once a week to let the system stabilize?.

How is CO2 provided to such small aquariums?.

Hope I explained myself correctly, english is not my mother language.

