Tank Dimensions (LxWxH, specify units):75 Gallon

Lighting Intensity(No of Watts) :80watts
Number and type of Lighting (FL/PL/MH) :2 48'' FL
Age of light bulbs :6 months
No. of hours your lights are on :10

Type of Filter : Fluval 404 Cannister and Two Sponge Filters
When was the filter last washed :3 Months ago, needs a cleaning
When was the media last changed :6 months

Age of setup: June 06
Water change frequency :Monthly
Amount changed :40%

Water surface movement (None/gentle/turbulent) : Turbulent
Circulation (None/gentle/turbulent) :Gentle

Tank Temperature :77

Bioload (Number and type of fish and plants)
bunch of Java Fern,2 Anubias,2 Amazon
2 large Angels, 6 Baby Angels, 1 Clown Loach, 1 Chinese Algae Eater, 1 gold algae eater, 1 medium pleco, pair of kribs, gold severum, 2 tinfoil barbs, paradise gourami, 2 jumbo danios, 2 cherry barbs

Describe your problem :

I have had tropical fish about 15 years and a year ago started adding live plants to my 55 gallon aquarium. This past may I moved up to a 75 gallon aquarium with Java Fern, Anubias, and couple Amazon Swords. Two Months ago this Black Fuzz started growing, which i thought was kind of cool, but now it is becoming a Nuissacne and is everywhere and i dont know how to get rid of it and it seems from what I have been reading that i shoudl of handled this along time ago. i have been trying to read up on stuff through this site but I dont know much about plant stuff. So I beleive it is Brush Algae or Beard Algae, i have been seeing people say stuff about adding CO2 to their tanks, obviously this would help plants thrive, but how does this help with the algae and how do you inject the CO2 into the tank? Do you suggest i stop using my sponge filters, which airate the water alot. Here are some pics:

Thanks for your help!!!