Just want to share my all you can plants tank. Basically is a collection of unused/left over plants . Nothing special except my rams have been spawning 2 times in this tank, though both are failure .

1.5ftx1ftx1.2ft, 36Watts, EDEN 501, lapis sand, DIY CO2, EI with lushgro, seachem Trace and Iron.

Blyxa Japonica
Potamogeton gayi
Rotala najean?
Mayaca fluviatilis
Eleocharis vivipara
Some Cryptocorune ...?
Microsorium pteropus 'narow'
Taxiphyllum sp. 'spiky'
Taxiphyllum sp. 'flame'
Pogostemon helferi (downoi)
Frog bit

Corydoras pygmaeus
Otocinclus affinis
Mikrogeophagus Ramirezi