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Here the trailer:


Here the topics:

The second half of Andreas Stelzig's expedition to the Llanos
brings us to the wide plains of the lowland tracts of the Capanaparo
until we reach its affluent, the Casanarito. In the river and also in
the oxbow lakes they were able to watch rays, catfish and also
characins. Especially shown are larger predatory characins like Hoplia
and dogteeth tetras as well as commonly-known chichlids.

The large group of jewel chichlids consists of many different species.
Joerg Vierke presents Hemichromis guttatus, a colorful cichlid he
watched during mating and brood care.

Caring for discus fish is the ultimate in fishkeeping for many aquarists.
A good reason to be pleased is when a well-harmonizing pair spawns.
However, unfortunately, it is quite normal that things do not always
work out so smoothly as the keeper would wish for. Horst Linke has a
report on the difficulties of a beautiful breeding pair lovingliy caring
for their spawn - not totally successfully, though.

Many seawater aquarists are interested in keeping hard corals with
their great variety of colors and shapes. In this segment, Joachim
Frische presents you the aquarium of M. Trusheim, who has reached
utmost perfection in keeping stone corals, and we can admire what
is possible in seawater aquaristics with today's means and scientific

Have Fun

Many Greetz