Hi all,
These Rivulus xiphidius 'PK 15' are the survivors from our 1st Egg Order received Nov 20th 2003.

Don't let the clickable images fool you. Although approx 6 months have lapsed, these XIPs are still a puney 3cm in size <sigh>.

Rivulus xiphidius 'PK 15', male.

While there's only 4 of them (out of 8 hatchlings), it appears that I may have 2 pairs but it's difficult to tell when their home looks like this...

The water is quite tannic due to the leaching driftwood and pH, as measured last night, was about 6.2 and buffered with egg shells/dolomite lime. A floating film-canister suspends a spawning mop for those in the mood and since ANNs are surface feeders (or near the surface), the worm-feeder (stuffed with a little moss) slows down the drop.

XIPs are plant spawners and I'm gonna leave them alone in the setup. No immediate plans to spawn them as they're d*mn slow growers and might still be inmature juveniles. Did scoop out 2 ANN fry tho.

PS: From the same egg order, a reversed trio of Aphyosemion exigoideum 'Ngoudoufola' resides in the next tank... but that's another story :wink: