Winter puts on hold all new plans which involve disturbing settled tanks. The winter is long gone; as has the ding-dong cold and warm days; and from now we shall have warm and warmer days. Time has come when I can disturb settled tanks without worrying about keeping temperatures of the aquarium steady as the average 24 hour temperatures are now close to the tank temperatures. This is the best time to get your plans into action.
1. *I have to change the substrate of 3 tanks; a 3' 1.5' 2' Tall, a 5' 2' 2', and the Incomparable (6' 3' 2' Tall). The bottom substrate shall be 2" of my trusted lateritic clay mixture. Covered by sand + gravel mixes of different colours - here I would like your suggestions.

2. *Now the plan for the 3' tank is low-lit cool-water (my room temperature between 20-26C) with mosses of different variety. A stone background with perhaps some small leaf anubias. Tiny colourful fishes and shrimp community. Your suggestions of inmates will be valued by me.

3. *The plan for the 5' tank is pressurized CO2 well-lit tropical with 2 varieties of carpet plants in the foreground. Boulders strewed mid to back with stem and rosette plants. Inmates have to be chosen to suit angels (my present stock+ additions). Here too I shall need your esteemed suggestions; both about plants and fish. Just note I shall be creating a plantless path from off-center foreground to the rear which shall also double for my UGF. The gravel mix for this path is mottled grey.

4. *The Incomparable will remain with new plantings of old plants after substrate change and with nearly the same fishes with some additions.