View Full Version : Planted Tanks
- Planning to built an AquaCube
- From Green to Clear
- Hello
- Annette's Tank
- Christmas Tree in Planted Tank
- question
- Site Shutdown
- Merry Christmas
- Little Star, Aqua Star
- Wanted: Narrow leaf java fern
- Dave's Driftwood
- X-mass moss flower
- Shipping plants to Sweden: any experience
- Starting a planted tank
- SMS short-forms again, sigh..........
- Liverworts
- help! just starting out..
- This Place is Great!
- Aqua-planters' nightmare
- My 4ft Tank Update
- Questions on how nurseries grow aquatic plants
- Is this liverwort?
- Something New to Me
- Suggestion for Aquascape
- anyone heard of these?
- Fontinalis Antipyretica
- Diana Walstad's "Ecology of the Planted Aquarium"
- Redfield Ratio - A way to control algae?
- The heat is on
- Stowaways
- Picture uploads to
- Emersed growth setup
- water cloudy
- my 3ft planted
- Similarities between the books...
- A home for Kermit?
- A shot in the dark...
- A spanner in the works
- The secrets to growing the "perfect fronds" ?
- Help : How to soak/treat large driftwood ?
- Help Needed --> Re-decorating my 3ft
- A series of Diana Walstad-styled setups
- New Moderator
- Suggestions anyone?
- Houston!... I have a problem!
- Interesting posts
- Sticks and Stones, and Aesthetics in Planted Tanks
- Killifish in Planted Tank
- My water is drying up!!!
- planting 'pellia'
- wolffia
- My tanks
- Can pelia be grown emersed?
- Water Change - Less and far between change
- Any suggestion please??
- WTG : Water Sprite
- Peat Moss or Peat and Ammonia
- Advice on Tank
- plants without co2?
- question for locals about chloramine
- need advice on my first tank
- Small leaves but what a body!!
- Driftwood Puzzle
- Fontinalis antypiretica
- 2ft high tank.
- CO2 indicator
- Using DIY CO2,but the bubbles so many
- Fertilizers, C02, and stem plants?
- invisible filtration for small planted tanks
- Marineland Product
- Sera CO2-start
- Unknown Liverworth
- Mini Pellia
- Viagra for planted tank
- Help.....Internal Filter
- Vivarium/Paludarium.
- Water parameters
- Dragon's Claw
- CO2 problem
- PPMs
- Substrate
- What happened?!?
- Tiny white maggot-looking living organism
- Wet Thumb Monthly E-Magazine
- Photosynthesis
- 10 gallon UGF
- Netting trip to FRIM.
- What does $40 worth of java fern look like in a 5g tank?
- What happend?
- Auto refill system
- New liverwort?
- new tank, when do you start dosing?
- Early spring in Mecklenburg, Germany
- Huntington Gardens....some photos
- 'low iron" glass for tanks?
- tanks display.
- Plant shop in berlin
- where can i get Flubendazole to deworm my tank?
- Fissiden sp.
- Posting/recieving moss to/from Indonesia
- What should i check in CO2 Tank leak?
- My first vivarium attempt
- Question to the founder of Fissiden sp.
- emersed cultivation
- Plant ID
- Plagiomnium sp
- The Aquaria Scene in Italy
- Where to visit in singapore
- Does anyone know good shops in the Netherlands?
- tembusu (Fagraea fragrans) - will it sink?
- PH problem
- FRIM trip part 2.
- SO4 as Sulfur Fertileser?
- resurrection
- lotus questions
- What Crypts is this?
- APP need no CO2
- Hawaii's Fissiden
- 6ft terrarium.
- ADA's Power Sand
- Mini Pellia and Chendol plant
- Geomancy and the Planted Tank
- Holland Ram
- Pelia with capsule.
- Plant ID
- crawfish...
- My 29 gallon planted shrimp tank
- Please help to id this liverwort.
- fish suggestion for planted tank
- Fissiden sp.
- Wright's $150 camera
- Chiloscyphus or Chiloseyphus.
- Fungus?
- if you have brown algae, read this…
- ADA Soil
- To Plant Or Not To Plant.. My 3 Footer!
- REMINDER -- APC Submissions!
- REMINDER -- APC Submissions!
- Pellia Endiviifolia
- Ramblings from down under...
- Who eats my Nanas !
- Off the beaten track
- Rocks for the tank, safe ?
- A thousand apologies
- Good site
- Found some fissiden
- Europet River Sand
- green spots
- New Member signing up
- Gravel suitablity & help when changing plants.
- "Feeding aquarium plants the natural way"
- My tank
- Help me to understand the name, see the link..
- 10 Gallon Apisto tank
- Interesting Aquarium shops in Singapore?
- A voice from exotic Poland :) .
- Submersed to Emersed
- My new aquascape (made of paper)
- Bukit Timah Crypt
- New member
- Hello!
- Help - urgent
- Some kind of Fissidens
- Growing Fissiden sp.
- aquascaping publications
- my tank
- Marimo ball algae becoming a pest?
- Coral Pellia
- pls see where to improve thnx all.
- Low light Java, moss and Crypt tank *update*
- Can Pellia be found in Singapore?
- moss/pellia temperature question
- Need A little help with Lilaeopsis brasiliensis.
- Most economical filter media
- Re-using material, will bacterial bloom still occur?
- AGA 7th Annual Aquascaping Contest
- Eleocharis with killies in biotope minitank
- Emerse Chendol (UG) to submerge question.
- Anyone With Experience of Hemianthus callitrichoides "c
- How easily it all goes out of shape
- AGA Convention in Nov.
- Elatine triandra
- plants on driftwood - what do you do with them? (& other
- Sluts in my planted tank!! Help!
- Need your comment - Rock location
- how to plant fissiden
- new lazy setup
- Aquatic Gardeners Convention News
- A picture of my Tank.(Update)
- Rand's Tank
- Newsletter by Singapore Botanic Garden
- The plants Wright is taking to the auction
- I think that I found Fissidens Moss at Michoacan, Mexico
- Help on buying plants
- Looking for fissiden zippelianus
- Need help with online ordering of plants in Europe.
- Hi
- Greetings!
- moss/liverwort/algae ID plz :)
- CO2 Injection/Diffusion
- Tearing down my old for a new lazy man's tank
- Plagionium
- Blue Green Algae/Cyanobacteria outbreak
- Last Pictures of My 4 Footer
- 'Bryophyte Ecology Ebook' from Janice Glime
- Suggestions on a new setup
- Need Some Help!
- decorating a breedingtank
- Augmentation of Fissidens fontanus
- ID this liverwort
- Fissidens sp. from Singapore / fontanus
- Mini Pellia - Riccardia sp
- "Süßwassertang" identified
- Are there two type of Mini Pelia ? (Coral moss)
- US fissiden grow faster with lower light and no co2
- F. zippelianus
- Lophocolea
- Amblystgium in 1960
- How to propagate Fissidens fontanus
- Greetings and notice
- Bryologists in Singapore
- leafy liverwart identification needed
- AGA Membership
- Difference between Fissidens and Fontinalis antipyretica?
- Plagiomnium affine
- Small Low Tech Tanks
- starting new
- question regarding the water to be used for changes.
- Mission Against HC&Algae. Submerged&Emerged.Cylinder+Excel=Double C02 Final ShowDown!
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