- noticed some tiny little white organism moving
- Aquarium Munster
- Flubendazole
- Raising Baby Brine Shrimp (BBS)
- Fundulopanchax gardneri (Blue form)
- TetraminBaby as dry food for Rachovii?
- N. eggersi blue
- Remove bigger Fry
- Green Water Culture
- Rachovii fights
- Tealeaves instead of Kertapan(spelling??) leaves
- Attempting the ghost shrimp hatch technique
- New Shop
- How long shd be kept for breeding?
- Sim. picturatus
- 100 Rachovii fry.
- Notho. rachovii albino
- Decapsulated Brineshrimp Eggs
- Tender Loving Care
- Aerate brine shrimp eggs in fresh water before adding salt
- killies in planted tank, Salt? or no salt?
- Fundulopanchax sjoestedi (Blue Gularis)
- Creating the right environment
- Getting new species
- Leech
- Tubifex
- Why they sometimes call it a Fire Notho
- Flying Eggs
- Simpsonichthys delucai
- Ideal number of tanks per species
- Changing of Killifish water
- The boys can't wait
- Hazards from Renovation Works
- Decapsulating Brine Shrimp Eggs
- How fast to determine fry is male female?
- Incubation Period
- Water Incubation for Annuals
- food for fries
- Chironomus
- Ran out of space for tanks,, Store room can??
- Tank Mates for Killies
- Killies Egg
- Need some help with eggs
- Kili and shrimp
- Our Own Meeting Place - Is that a good idea or what?
- AKA's Forum
- Fry Missing
- Epiplatys annulatus
- What is Green Water Culture
- A Beautiful Killie
- Paralysed australe
- Facts and Myths about Ph
- Jordanella Floridae - The American Flag Fish
- Female Killi fry
- Breeding mop question
- Monkey See Monkey Do
- pseudomugil/popondetta? gertrudae
- eggs received
- Fish Diseases Transmitted to Humans
- Nothobranchius rachovii MOZ 99/3
- Aphyosemion bivittatum Lagos
- Ap bitaeniatum Ijebu-Odé
- R. Marmoratus - self-fertilizing hermaphrodites
- What is it?
- Oxygen Stone
- Singapore's brainiest kid
- Breeding N.Rachovii
- microworms : anyone has them?
- Counting of N. Rachovii eggs
- Hydra
- Golden Wonder Killifish (Aplocheilus lineatus)
- white worms on the glass?
- Can you help me ID my killi?
- How to breed Fp. walkeri?
- N'sukka and Australe Gold
- My eggs arrived!!!!
- Aphyosemion bitaeniatum
- Thank you!
- Head-worn Magnifying lens
- Marine salt for BBS
- Grindal worm cultures
- I'm puzzled??
- Fry
- Handicapped Fishes
- Notho korthausae sex ratios
- Hello!
- Will all of you keep the same pair to produce F1.F2..Fn?
- Nice Photographs of Dead Fish
- Hello Everyone. New to setting up Killies Tank
- My photos
- Please say Hello to Louise
- A milestone of sorts
- What fish is this?
- Eggs
- Aphyosemion australe Gold or Orange
- inbreeding
- Bought my first killie fish
- Chit Chat
- Wild Aplochelius
- Fishshop selling killies
- What sort of Special care for orange and ranchovii?
- Please don't make Such Comments on LFS
- The "Edit" Button
- The first Glowing Killifish
- Our very first gathering
- Comment from China Killifish Website
- Chromaphyosemion / Aphyosemion
- Eggs order and sharing shipping
- Sim Magnificus
- Books at Library
- Rachovii swallows snails
- Indentification Help
- Turaco's Eggs
- Lily's Killies
- Aquarama 2003
- Aphy. BIT Lagos eggs... fertilized?
- UK Killie auction
- Ap bitaeniatum Ojube-Ode
- Nothobranchius rubripinnis
- Do not distribute crossbred or aquarium hybrid killifish
- will temperature affect the viability of eggs?
- Book on the Cynolebiatinae
- Australe Egg development
- Lily's Killie Tools
- My Male Rachovii
- Tony Terceira
- I know where my female killie
- Microworm Cultures
- Epiplatys (Pseudepiplatys) annulatus fry
- Spawning the Aphyosemion australe Gold... a twisted journey
- Wild Aplochelius Panchax has spawned !!!
- Eggs Disappeared In Peat Moss
- Debra's Killie
- Simpsonichthys fulminantis (large pics)
- New here
- Killies from Seattle?
- Tom's Offer
- Force-hatching
- Newbie questions
- Questions that should have been sent to the forum
- A tragic end
- Killifish Sighted
- My first expereince with Sim Magnificus
- Killifish are popular in Japan too!
- Fp. gardneri mamfensis " Faishang" OD8-03
- More photos
- 1st time on non annual
- Non-Killie - Mysterious spawn... name that fry!
- Anyone with experience with the Aplocheilus Lineatus Golden?
- Our eggs have arrived
- Sending fishes overseas
- Aphanius spp.. Anyone keeping them?
- Eppendorf Tubes
- New arrivals from Chong Sua LFS
- pseudepiplatys_annulatus
- Meeting at Karin's shop on the eve
- Our first meet - please show your support
- Austrolebias Nigripinnis Info
- Can i combine Fp gardneri with Aphyoseimon Australe ?
- Some of Deb's pictures
- Cichilds of Lake Tanganikan
- Combining Aphyosemion Males
- Book: Killifishes by Todor Metchkov
- Watch what you say online-Please read!
- A. australe - Jumpers?
- Nematolebias whitei
- Fry ID: Clown or Australe?
- Food for Killies
- preparing peat moss
- what did we get at the gathering?
- Comments on our Gathering – 29 Nov 2003
- Proper Collection Codes – Fish Bought from Gathering
- Anybody from Raffles Institution?
- The Gathering - The Details
- Non killie- Spotted Blue-eye fry
- Photo Tank
- Water Conditions in West/Central part of Singapore
- Hatching Brine Shrimps
- My Hard Disk
- Will female killies attack the male?
- Simpsonicthys constanciae eggs... dead?
- Gathering Pics
- egg incubation methods
- New Moderator
- Next meet up: How do you think it be?
- Local Killifish Sources
- Aphy BIT Lagos... what shit is this?!
- A Most Amazing Thing!!!
- Failed force hatch
- Killies need strong lighting
- Bulk Order – The Gardneri Album (CD)
- Terranatos dolichopterus 'V96/7' - Beginning of a journey
- What happen??
- microworm
- Problem with Notho. rachovii
- A Very Painful Experience!
- killifish in winter season
- N. sp aff rubripinnis is not N rubripinnis
- Recycling BBS hatching water
- Where you can find turkey baster in Singapore
- Grindal culturing with synthetic media
- Update on killies bought at meeting
- Nothobranchius rachovii Beira 98 refuses to eat
- Trip to Bangkok
- Rachovii's tail.
- what tipe of fp gardneri are the fish in pictures
- Is This Nothobranchius patrizii?
- Camallanus Worms Again!!!
- Java Medaka
- Site Shutdown
- Merry Christmas
- Simpsonichthys auratus Lagoa Grande
- I need to tickle your brain... killie rack
- Flagyl
- Intro
- Thank RonWill and AU SL(Simpsonicthys constanciae baby)
- Fish from Bangkok, Thailand
- Hello to all
- Breeding killies
- I need your Tropical Fish Knowledge!! A Quest for Conserva
- How can we make this forum better?
- Bringing Aquatic Plants/Fishes into Singapore
- Thanks for the book
- Photography Session
- Great service from one betta specialised shop
- [url]www.e-aquariumthai.com[/url]
- FAQs ?
- My [i]Simp. magnificus [/i]tank setup
- Algae-eating Anchor catfish?
- When is the right stage in development to send eggs?
- Rivulus tenuis Tako Talpu
- Ronnie's Chocolate Australe
- Aquarium Münster - Odi Mor for Velvet/Fungal/Bacterial
- not a killifish
- Sharing the cost of shipping Brine Shrimp Eggs
- Fish deworming
- Another Gathering?
- Nothobranchius rachovii Beira 98
- Nothobranchius rachovii - Albino
- …when I wish upon a Star…
- EASYLife -Fluid filter medium
- Water Incubation
- Tips for writing a post - use of message body
- Hexamita
- Aplocheilus parvus
- how would u decorate and plant???
- how to con my mum
- Not a killifish, but a blind cave loaches