- Diffusor or Reactor?
- MH questions
- topping up that C02 cylinder
- PL Lamp Holder
- UV from FLs and PLs
- ADA CO2 advanced system
- lonestar
- Cooling fan
- Eheim 2227/2229
- CO2 set
- Recommend me a PH Controller
- MH Question 2: Bulb Behaviour
- Filter Wash and Change
- protein Skimmer
- Query about ADA promotion
- What brand/model of external filter is suitable for a 2-ft
- UV
- light
- Planted Tank Tragedy
- PL Lighting
- no more yeast for me
- http://www.algaebar.com/
- HeLp!!!
- atomizer?
- chiller
- aqualclear series in singapore ?
- leaking
- Query on Fans to cool tank
- Query on Backdrops
- Electric shock
- Filter maintaineance schedule
- Cover for tank
- MH
- Five Plan Tank
- Plastic tubes and hoses
- Bio-filter for koi pond
- Lighting
- ADA offer
- light upgrade.
- Advantage of Electronic Ballast
- Sodium Bicarbonate/Pottasium bicarbonate.
- Fludised Bed Filter
- Filter side by side
- are lights really important?
- Lobang for Osram PL
- Cheapest Sand for planting
- Eheim Filter and Lighting for 6 feet
- Many small filters or 1 big filter better?
- my solenoid making an annoying sound
- Light Bulb
- CO2 system for planted tank
- "UP" reactor questions
- PH controller needed
- For ectan
- substrate heater
- Ecco 2235 enough???
- solenoid
- Powerhead
- Queries on CO2 system
- Calcium reactor
- tank upgrading... any precautions?
- Wat's the Diff btw FL and PL lites? Wat is that use for
- Nitrate test kit.
- tank heater
- Eheim 2213 for $75
- Where to refill JBL KH test solution?
- Giesemann Lichtecnik
- Need recommendation on internal filter...
- Cheap 2ft tank
- Re: Problem with CO2 regulator valva
- Light spectrum
- 2ft AEC FL light tube
- 3ft tank for Goldfish
- Where to get remora pro in singapore?
- long tweezer price
- Where to Repair CO2 Solenoid Regulator
- Fluval 304
- AC Fan
- Dennerle CO2 Indicator
- Any PL lights can use either normal ballast or electronic b
- where to find cheap PL light?
- 4 feet tank
- Where to buy 4 x 2 x 2 tank stand
- Moonlight for Tank
- PL Lights 55W Daylight - where to get?
- Tank glass thickness
- How to clean algae stains on CO2 diffuser
- C@binet VS met@l stand
- co2 in gas or liquid
- Fluval 303 for a 2 ft tank?
- Under Gravel Heater?
- Material for Reflectors
- Fish Food timer
- CO2 tank
- Where to get corkwood to make terrace? Or Slates can be use
- Water capacity of frameless 2.5feet tank...
- Converting FL to PL
- Digital Test Kit.
- Places selling overflow box
- pH digital test kits
- 6 footer
- Setting up CO2 system for a 4 feet tank
- Can any type of PL or FL light use eballast?
- Can Planted tank uses normal daylight tube from our home?
- curve front tank... does anyone have it???
- lifespan of a tank
- Qn: 10000k lights
- 2228 vs 2028 for planted tanks
- roumd light at boon keng fs
- serious lighting!
- UP reactor
- ADA Pollen Glass Beetle
- How much is a Eheim 2250/2260?
- Mould in Eheim Hose
- An automatic fish feeder
- electronic CO2 generator
- Float switch
- ph controller
- How often to clean canister filter?
- Atman cannister filter
- co2 system ..which one is the best
- Arcadia FL Tubes
- Is Eheim 2231 Canister Filter too big for 1.5ft tank?
- Jebo MH
- Comments on Ocean Free 4 Feet Double PL Light Anyone?
- Soon Heng Fishtanks manufacturer at Hougang?
- Timer for Lights
- does co2 reactor require high pressure to work?
- How much does a diatom filter cost and where to get?
- Abt PL lighting system..
- CO2 Adv. System YA/Ver. 2
- Does PL light tubes come in this color ?
- co2 refill
- Carbon media at the Canister Filter- need it to cycle new t
- Any idea where to get ready-made sump box?
- Eletrical bills
- anyone using eheim 2026?
- Where to get cabinet for 4x2x2 tanks?
- where 2 get KCL solution?
- PL questions
- Water surface skimmer
- 'amano lighting'
- Any comments on PML tanks & lights
- Help on carbo plus
- why is there always air in my filter??
- Advice on CO2 Starter Kit
- prime cannister filter
- 36pl tube
- Which is a better cannister filter ATTMAN or Hydor's PRIME?
- 72Watts
- Alternative to chiller?
- Lobang for tank and equipment ??
- external canister
- How much is an EHEIM 2227?
- Hailea - Aqua Medic series of Chiller
- 2028 VS 2227/9
- experience on use of chiller
- Buying ADA products
- FL or MH?
- How to clean external filter hose?
- canister filters
- Looking for spoilt Eheim 2213 filter
- Where can I buy ADA CO2 cartridges
- MH Wires
- Split CO2
- Lights? Which type?
- Atmann Filter medium recommendation
- CO2 Diffusor/Mixer/Reactor???
- External Filter Query.
- LFS and External Filter List
- tetratec NI600
- hood and light fittings
- What does UV light actually do???
- Fluidized bed filters reduce nitrate?
- 4 ft Tank Price
- Help! Non priming filter. (Tank water in the Mouth!)
- 6 ft tank volume?
- 3tier 4feet
- Canister filter & electrical strip in closed cabinet?
- New filter brand at C328??
- which external filter?
- Looking for a 5 ft tank with cabinet (Nice ones)
- Anyone know who is the distributor/dealer for AZOO products
- prefilter?
- Eheim 3535 Surface suction extractor
- What kind of florescent to use???
- Need advice on the kind of Eheim Filter for 2-3 ft tank
- Filter Media For Internal Overflow
- 2026 enough for 4ft
- PLC light tube
- Help on Ballast and PL light connection
- silicon work
- tank
- Eheim 2260
- Juwel Filtration Systems
- pressurised co2
- Lights Choice
- Recycle Zeolite?
- 6500k or 10000k tubes?
- 2ft PL lights other than oceanfree?
- how to attach Tank Banking properly
- Helpful tools
- Any one using an internal overflow system?
- Recommed a filter for small tank
- 27 watts PL Tube
- Ehiem 2260
- Imported German Lighting set in LFS
- Data for Common Fluorescent tube to share
- Where to find Cheapest 4' and 5' tank & cabinet?
- Differences btwn Chamber Overflow and Sump??
- Q. How to share CO2 between two setups?
- Help! Should i get the original eheim filter media or just
- Do we ever need to clean CO2 reactor such as UP ??
- what kind of reforcement needed for 6' tank???
- ECCO 2235
- PL Light with one tube blue
- Where to get 36Watts marine actinic blue PL lights?
- help...
- Hood modification
- co2 cylinder
- 30w or 36w?
- Pl.... what's the actual Watt? brightness wattage or Energ
- noice level of eheim 2028?
- Brownish water in the newly set up tank
- Lighting
- How to calculate GALLON?
- 2nd hand co2 3 liter alum
- Is there a need for a ph controller
- Trying out MH Light
- Auto water top up system
- type of filter
- where can cut n get glass tempered?
- digital PH tester useful?
- Cheapest Eheim External Cannister Filters
- Power Timer
- Is there a need for a ph controller
- lite fixing
- Any interest in 3ft OceanFree tank set?
- where to get clear PVC tubes?
- Thickness of the tank
- Sourcing for Quiet airpump for 1ft tank
- LED lights apply to aquarium lightings???
- bubbles in silicon
- Looking for a 3ft tank
- PH/KH proble with new planted tank
- Eheim Filter
- MH sighted at NA
- Ready-made CO2
- Eheim tanks and package deals??