- do altums eat small fish?
- Angel 'friend friend' with tiger barbs?
- anyone can id this for me
- Protein worm?
- poor zebra
- Switching off filter during feeding?
- My Fish pics
- My fishes are always near the surface
- 6 feet question
- badi badi
- My lemon Algae eater
- Next best thing to BS?
- Weird Worms in the tank
- My african dwarf frog (has one arm...)
- How to Breed?
- Bleeding Edge Finrot
- dry tubifex worms
- Blue Emperor
- What happened to my fish?
- Excess CO2
- Tankmates for Goldfishes
- some fish to share
- fish that exhibits personality ??
- red tail shark
- Has Anyone Seen Any Sabrefin Killie?
- Goldfish Lovers
- Leaf fish...Monocirrhus polyacanthus..
- Ammonia Test Kits
- Green-Gold Pygmy Puffers - Any Info?
- how far would you go for your fish?
- BBS related
- ketapang leaves for all blackwater fish?
- sorry post again
- What type of tank
- Convicts raising a family again !!!
- tank Cycling Question: Is 1 week too fast?
- unknown fish
- Feeding Crickets...
- NTD....
- dwarf butterfly fish at tiong bahru
- Golden Dragon brand bloodworms
- Caterpillar like worms?
- interesting article
- Senegalus Bichir
- Hancocki
- Options for planted tank...
- Sand for koi pond
- KH Raise
- Quivering Male Luo Han
- To Axiom
- specialised?
- How Now??
- 38 cm Giant Red Oranda Goldfish name Bruce !
- ID this
- Melafix====cloudy water?
- SAE attack Neons? Dwarf Gourami with Cherry Barb?
- what fish to keep now?
- pictures of my fish in yahoo gallery.
- SOS: Injured LH, need advice
- ANY ideas of fish to add to my tank?
- Some Pics
- pH drop?
- Small, unheated tank...
- Wanted Fish List
- Fish Located
- rainbowfish & killiefish
- Dwarf puffer fish
- Tank crisis...
- Fish Eye Problem..Pls help
- Shark in distress
- Anyone seen shellies selling in LFS in Singapore ?
- Stingrays
- Fish to avoid when having riccia and APP
- More pics. WARNING: may take long to load
- Hajo help
- im gonna be 'grandma' once again
- Algae eater in planted tank?
- Algae eaters in Planted Tank
- could i add an oscar??
- Paratilapia polleni
- Do dead fishes contribute Phosphate?
- Knight Goby
- Freshwater Perches
- Do fish see anything when they sleep?
- What fish is this?
- adaptive colouration
- When to introduce fishes?
- Arowana in planted tank
- black arowana???
- water change?
- blue zebra
- Golden goby
- SIMON! Guru! Don't go away! SOS!!!
- Expiry of beef heart
- Pumping system
- japanese greenaway powder
- pics revamp
- What could have caused this?
- Have you got it right?
- Who did it? (Hair Algae)
- transparent silver fish from mkt
- Pls Quarantine your algae eaters
- What is the most priced freshwater fish u have ?
- Fast & Ferious Puffer!
- Longest lived
- Favourite freshwater fish family
- Looking for harlequin
- Discus got harassed by Oto
- on line fish shop
- What other fish can I keep together with my gold fishes?
- What is this fish?
- Help to identify this fish
- Any Home Hobby Breeder Around?
- Observer Qn: Wat's wif the F1?
- Just want to know how it cost for adult (male) peppermint c
- Fish Recommendation
- Koi keep jumping ..
- fish sighted at system control and engineering
- characteristics of such fishes..
- Please recommend a top dweller for my tank!
- Going away for 10 days
- how to differentiate male n female Luo Han?
- pls help to identify this fish
- fish at home, fish in lfs
- some fish/shrimp pics
- some fish pics
- Peat vs brown water
- *** this fish Ameca Splendends
- How to know if ur fish has internal parasites?
- more pictures
- anyone has live daphnia?
- suggestion for non-schooling fish in 2ft planted tank
- Help to identify fish
- Triple breeding - Yahoo!
- Pls help ID this fish
- Water too warm for fish?
- dicussion
- Microworms ... yucks!
- Safe for fries?
- LH pics, Purist Don't read this thread!
- Singapore/Malaysia Rivers water parameters info
- Unidentified Insect.
- Hi. Link.
- nice altum at gan
- Keeping luohan
- Strange Gill problem.
- Tank size....
- Amazon tank...
- Add new fish during 'day' or 'night'?
- help - parasites?
- Something is WRONG
- White Tiny Worms on the Fish tank surface-----my fish r dyi
- Help!!! Parasites and cure
- diagnosis dicus doctors....
- short story
- Spotted in TiongBahru last evening...
- wen start exchange?
- Brineshrimp net???
- pictures of greeneyes
- Man made Amazon In Japan
- Help ! My Goldfish is swimming upside down
- Climbing Perch.
- something wrong with the fins?
- Oooh! look what Mez got!
- Are pearls leopards?
- Where to get cheaper killifish?
- Beginner Guide
- yamatos with lots of eggs
- Frozen BW available yet?
- Fry Bred.
- Has anyone kept this fish?
- My fish gave birth!!
- Rainbow Fish in community tank
- Is 16inch tank too small for quarantine?
- New addition
- What is in the soup
- Help ID this fish
- Sole FIsh
- The Tapah - This is one bast@*d of a fish.
- The Tapah - Pix of the fish
- split filtration?
- need help
- My new baby..
- where to get mottled bushfish?
- Help with Koi-like fish in water feature
- New friend..
- Anti social behaviour?
- New LH paradise
- Water Change - Polls Guys - watch out for pix of merma
- Beautiful fish spotted in TiongBahru
- cleaning of tank
- What dry food that your angelfish like the most?
- Microworms to Spare ??
- It's becoming redish for my silver tip terra??
- Sea Almond Leaf for aquarium
- Death of the Main Tenant
- Badis Badis at Toh farm
- Cutest Nippers
- My Latest Halfmoon Bettas
- An Unknown Algae Eater
- salt???
- What's "Fei Lo"'s Full Name?
- just a show of hands .....
- Hmm ... Something interesting.
- now i know
- Corydoras cacatuoides!
- wife beater
- Use of active carbon in filter medium
- help !!!
- Please help to id fish
- Overcrowding?
- OMG- now worse!!! stomach busting.....
- Where can I get Rainbow fishes
- Bio load of overhead filter ?
- caught in action!..
- help to ID longkang fish
- Luohan discussion
- sighted at bioplast
- Back from HK =)
- Any tips on Ranchu?
- Tankmates with Oscars
- Female Pearl gouramis
- re: dusty water?
- pls share
- A society
- For you, LSZ...
- black belt wanted
- outings?
- my fish just die... at least 2 each day??? HELP! red stomac
- I'm an AA member now
- Any suggestion what theme & fishes for my tank?
- Does Lave Rock Affect The PH
- Cutey
- babies!!!
- Help Help!
- cure for white-spot
- food for moray eel
- knife fish to give away...
- Keeping Crickets Quiet...
- Another few healthy-looking fish died ! Again.
- introducing fish
- wat the purpose of puting prawn 2 ur tanks ??
- horse face
- fish that died n ur heart aches like mad .....
- An unique but a bit disgusting new fish!