- PH, KH Adjustment
- What is the cause of Neon Tetra disease
- Planted Tank Hit By White Spot
- Cloudy water
- Where To Buy Antibiotic Fish Food?
- New Medicine Forum
- tetra keeps dying
- White Spot
- Otos Died
- Finrot on Ram!
- Female betta - random death...
- poor molly
- salt quantity for white spot
- Ph & Kh
- Waterlife Protozin - Treatment of Whitespot
- DEA, need help with cory.
- sick dwarf cichlids
- Melafix
- Tetra Plecomint
- Erythromycin
- Rummy has fungus
- Heavy slime hit discus
- sick frontosas..
- whitespot medication
- Ram keep on dying.
- Fish Antibotics
- Neon Tetra bloated and swim facing downwards after feeding
- No expiry dates on fish medication
- Garlic treatment for white spot
- sudden occurence of dropsy in my tank
- herbal whitespot treatment
- Why do Ottos die easily?
- HELP HELP .... Goldfish Egg rotting !!!!
- How to medicate bloated fish
- discus wif white faeces
- Newbie - Goldfish problem
- Bloated Neon Tetras
- Help!!!!! White spot!!
- white spots
- Help with PH level!!!
- Dropsy questions
- fungus on body
- Internal bleeding
- need help on cloudy water
- what to do what water turn cloudy?
- New Tank with cloudy water.
- ph crash
- ph / kh
- White Spots - Treatment in planted tank and w Corys
- Mysterious Fish Deaths
- White Spot - The Ever Popular Topic
- Metronidazole
- why?
- checker board not eating
- Ram doesn't eat???? Not even tubifex worms...
- Cardinal - deformed
- melafix
- neon tail rot
- Tiny white worms
- open sore near tail area
- Help! Discus turning white and dying...
- Dropsy & Malawi bloat
- help
- cloudy water !
- gill infection
- fish alway diying
- Treatment 4 Hole in the Head(Hexamita)
- cammalanus?
- Urgent Help pls.
- Methylene Blue
- Rummy-nose diseased
- Anywhere to buy Levamisole?
- white spots
- millions of tiny WORMS!
- Is it due to the flashes??
- Brown fungus? How to treat?
- Cory with popeye?
- is my co2 level too high? how to read ph kh chart?
- white spot on Ram
- Fish has bulging eye
- help needed on my calvus
- Fungus on tetra
- Help! Cory with parasites
- Unknown Growth on Holland Rams.
- White thread-like worm on emperor tetra
- Help Needed! ICH Not Going Away!
- white flat worms on tank glass surface
- What is the Correct Temp for Treating ICH
- Tetras dying 1 after another
- White spots?
- Medication for ancistrus/pleco
- cloudy water
- Fish showing some sign of white spots
- Furan 3 by Ocean Free
- Is this the right way to treat a sick fish?
- !@#$%^&*(*)_+
- Water parameter hope to resolve cloudy water problem
- 4 dead pleco in 3 weeks
- Quarantine methods
- Argh. more mysterious deaths.
- cloudy water in new tank
- Cloudy water in mature(?) tank
- Cure white spot with Ocean Free Copper Safe
- Discus in planted tank has fin rot
- Help.. help...
- PP/Ocean Free Super Disease Away
- Redness below otos
- Why are my yamatos dead?
- Salt bath treatment frequency
- SOS: med for ich
- Slime on my fish!!! HELP!!
- How to treat white spots?
- What happen to this fish?
- sick arowana, possible curled gill, rapid breathing
- SOS: ISO Microworms
- Fin Rot vs Broken fin
- To add or not to add: Med for discus
- getting sick from handling fish tank
- white spots
- Seachem GarlicGuard
- popping eye of big louhan
- fishes died overnight in 2 days' time
- Chilodonella Disease
- Discus white eye
- white spot
- Neon Tetra Sick?
- sick Panda cory; help!
- New Corys dead after 1 day
- Flubendazole
- Weird Disease Just Popped up!
- White Spot
- White Spot
- Is that Fin-Rot?
- cloudy water
- Slightly cloudy water
- white spot on fishes
- cork wood backgrd caused cloudy water?
- Sera Costapur
- Parasite. How to kill them ?
- white spots on 6-banded barbs
- fish not doing well....
- How to treat fish in a Heavily Planted tank
- Please help my friend's tetra..
- strange Water conditions
- Conditioning water and test kits
- Malayan shrimps dying
- Fin-Rot on my guppies??
- Slime Disease On Discus
- Sick discus in planted tank
- help needed : red warts!
- Parasites! Yucks!
- pH of thw water
- Cotton like found in the tank
- sick Angel (pic)
- Help! My neon tetra looks like a balloon ...
- Shrimp deaths....
- Why is my Corydoras always at the water surface?
- Help! My puffer just wont eat
- Doc, is my fish pregnant?
- which brand of parasites killer 2 use
- Help on keeping Guppy!!!
- Neon's weird swimming rituals
- Cloudy water
- Why is my Figure 8 Puffer behaving this way?
- Neon tetra dying off
- Wiggling worms - what are they?
- Neon Tetra Disease:
- Very tiny white mites crawling on aquarium wall and fish bo
- Fish Problem
- Cloudy Water --- new tank with CO2
- Dead Cardinal Tetras
- Apisto sick
- Hi bros dun u have this experience B4..?
- "Help, Yamoto Shrimps Dying"
- yamato are dying
- Any cure for Rainbow?
- Anyone uses this product b4?
- dying Shrimps
- Betta-cramped fins
- some kind illness with my cardinal
- Picture Collection : Fish Diseases
- Chlorine
- Suspect body fungus on fish
- Mass yamato death
- new to all this - please help
- shrimp all died
- what is Oxycure?
- Clown Loaches behavourial/Breathing problem
- Black patches / specks on Discus
- What is wrong?
- guppies sick, advise needed
- Oto tragedy
- White spots treatment
- Neon tetra disease.
- Aquarium salt in planted tank
- Help! Holes in the head
- White Spot in Planted Aquarium
- How to use ketapang leaf to increase pH?
- Does major uprooting of plants cause PH swing?
- White Spots on Tetras after adding B. Sidthimunki
- SAE Bloated...
- no3
- ich?
- Very low PH level
- Fishes not doing well - help
- Over Bioload?
- Help! Black patch on my cardinal
- can I add salt to tanks with clown loach, ram ?
- Help! PH Too High!
- Salt treatment safe for Discus?
- White long poo coming out from clown
- Fish grasping for air and die
- Dead Cory in QT
- Mysterious Massive Fish Death!
- Weird illness!
- Quarantine tank
- White spot on cardinal and plattes
- Big Belly otos??? Pregnant???
- Cory Problems...
- Help!! White spot in planted tank
- Fish Gasping for air. HELP!!!
- Neon Tetra Bouyancy Problem
- Is this tetra sick?
- Cloudy Water in Planted Tank.
- Sunken stomach Poor appetitie Cardinal Tetra
- sores
- Cory worms
- Tragedy in a shrimp tank
- Help for my Honey Gouramis
- Ranchu Needs Help Urgently
- greenish stuff
- White Spot! Help!
- tread like worm? on the fins. how to cure, remove???
- stunted grow
- White Spot in Livestock, How to Cure?
- Re: Fish die with rotten/ torn fins and tail
- how successful you treat your sick fishes ?
- soft water
- Gold fish problem
- How to speed up recovery of torn fins?
- Survey: Whats the lifespan of your cardinals?
- whte spots on fighting fishes
- Red spots/lumps?