- My new 4 ft tank from Nature Aquarium
- using baking soda to increase kH
- Things needed to start a planted tank
- Nano Tank
- The nitrogen cycle
- To grow Moss Wall
- Caution!!!
- Fish Shop or Farm
- Tryin to re-do an old tank
- Please fill out this form before asking for help
- Get started here!
- Brush Algea!
- Snails Snails Snails!
- 3ft x 1.5ft x 1.5ft lights requirement
- Slow growing and Low maintenance plants
- Can use Undergravel Filter?
- Informative Links & Glossary of Terms
- What plant to use as base?
- How to hide my in and out
- Baffled by Co2 regulator
- difference in plants
- Help with Rotala Macrandra
- I'm back to Planted :)
- Help with Amano shrimps
- How to use JBL initial plant sticks
- sponge rock for planted tank?
- Malaysians mari mari
- withering of leave edges
- grey rocks with white stripes
- Anyone interested in a mini workshop?
- Help needed urgently for my DIY CO2!!!
- reactor or bell for DIY co2
- can long can yamato survive without water?
- Co2 regulator mystery solved
- Setting up a shrimp tank
- Looking for easy Red Plants
- Cost of setting up a planted tank?
- how to create a moss ball
- Lighting for nanas tank. and other advice needed.
- Help on... melting / translucent leave edges of polysperma
- ph not dropping much
- How to trim Large Amazon sword?
- Need advice
- Advice on what to put in 1ft tank
- which diffuser is better?
- 1ft Cube tank in a air-con office, ok?
- 2ft or 4 ft?
- how to clear cloudy water??
- Low-Main Questions
- Garden Soil as base fert ?
- Timing of the lights
- Stupid question
- Beginner myths
- Vote:Open Tank or Tank with Cover
- Too much light?
- Overflow or External Canister Filter for Planted Tank
- set up 3 feet.
- AQ's Planted tank workshop for beginners
- Cost of topping up a CO2 tank
- where do driftwood/bogwood come from?
- Tom Barr's Non-CO2 method
- Want to try ADA soil
- Best required lighting for 4'x1.5'x1.5'
- Undecided about colour of Gravel
- To heat or to cool.....?
- Feedback for AQ's planted tank workshop for beginners
- PH Controller & UV steralizer Advise
- Are Snails Good Or Bad For Planted Tank?
- Lighting two 10 gal. tanks
- What PH value is suitable for shrimps and fishes?
- will discus eat my yamato shrimp ??
- Lighting requirements
- New 3ft x 1.5ft x 1.5ft Planted Tank
- Lapis Sand Packaging Warning Sign!
- External CO2 Reactor
- Effects Fan method of Cooling Tank.
- ADA soil
- Jebo External Canister Filter
- Water condition
- External filter configuration
- My rocks bubble in vinegar
- Existing FL Lights : Advise on low light plants
- Advise on substrate
- Tom's or Eheim Equivalent Surface Skimmer?
- Popular fish shop in West area
- Tank maintanance
- Chiller recommendation
- Newbie... in platned tank.
- BBA Woes
- back drop of tank
- What is this plant??
- Update on Gratiola's planted tank from the workshop
- Lights for 3ft x 1.5ft x 1.5ft
- Lighting tubes, when do we need to change?
- Newbie : KH PH enquiry
- Setting up 3ftX1.5X1.5 low maintenance tank
- How do you place the filter outlet?
- Air or not?
- SNAILS appearance is becos..??
- Ceramic rings
- Altum Angel
- One idiot question to ask...
- help for lighting
- Bottom sifters
- Setting up new tank
- Cloudy water....i'm puzzled
- PPM? What does it means
- Asahi Glass Tank
- Where to buy accessories for DIY Lighting
- One day without light for aquatic plant is it ok?
- wad's the best combination for substrate
- Hydra Hydra
- Definitely starting up a new tank...pls help
- Yamatos' high casualty rate
- Substrate depth of 6.5cm or 9cm?
- Do we need to change water even when the tank is stablised ?
- 1st low tech tank setup - Advice and comments pls
- Seachem Prime for planted plants?
- lighting wattage?
- Puffer Fish Substitution
- Is bubble counter important?
- Using Crushed Corals to maintain KH
- Canister Filter leaking - Advise needed!
- when we tie moss on DW do we put a netting over the moss ?
- Fertiliser
- CO2 requirement for 20L shrimp tank
- No filter setup
- What twitzer to buy?
- Fertilization
- Need help starting a planted tank
- nana
- Recommended Fertilizer Compound
- Pruning plants with runners
- Metal Halide ??
- Please help me with soil layers...
- Best method to eradicate snail in planted tank.
- UVC in Planted Tank
- Help! I fouind a slug/leech
- How to control alage
- How to separate fertilizer from gravel
- Help on CO2 reactor/diffuser
- Help needed to connect bubble counter to regulator
- DIY CO2 problem... help?
- black dots
- Without the Co2 Diffuser?
- Sound of the cooling fan...
- Brush Algae
- Sunset Hygro
- Shrimps and vegetation
- How to take better pictures of our tanks?
- Can I use fertilizers for plants as root monster?
- Gd place to topup co2 cylinder?
- Different type of CO2
- Diy co2
- Introducing aquasoil into a tank with water
- High CO2 ppm even with 1 bubble/sec
- Can algae outlast plant?
- will too much Co2 cause water to be cloudy?
- Vacuum Gravel During Water Change?
- pH problem and water problem
- New tank 4x2x2 recommend subtrate
- Aquatic vs Marine
- Windelov fern
- Lights on for 24 hours
- Pls advices!
- Which Moss!?!?
- Suspicious Water...
- A Beginner's CheckList & Costs
- CO2 cyclinder without bubble counter
- How is a fan attached to the tank?
- How to test for leaks in CO2 system?
- New to hobby-please help anyone
- rotala macaranda
- Eep! School project!
- Instruments for measuring PH, nitrate, blah blah blah
- Weird jelly-like stuff on my driftwood...
- CO2 stops bubbling after a few hours
- conditions for growing pellia
- larva-like worms!!!!
- Fertilizers for low-tech tank...
- Arowana Vs. Aquascape
- 1ft cube
- Dosing iron with ... paper clips?
- Need recommendation for 2ft tank
- anybody with Green water experience
- rubber bands in tank for 1-2 months?
- Where to get Daphnia
- How long does substrate last?
- Soaking of Bogwood
- 1.5 or 2ft height better?
- Why my nana's leaf is eaten?
- Get rid of algae on glass
- algae
- im a newbie with a small attempt with 560 L tank
- Putting CO2 Diffuser/Reactor in sump tank
- PUB Water Chemical Content
- Does leaves melt when transform from emersed to submerse form?
- Any plants to buy from Thailand
- Amount of CO2
- Tonina not doing fine
- Snail infestation
- Rotting of plants
- any reccomended foreground plant?
- dual gauge solenoid regulator qns..
- Bactiria Bloom ....AAAgggrrhh!!!
- Tonina collect dirt
- Substrate
- What is this plant?
- Rocks... What are they for?
- Normal chicken poo as base fertiziler
- seek advices for new setup
- Reactor or diffusor?
- CO2 System
- Purifying powder ok?!?
- A layer of oil on the surface of water
- ADA Amazonian Soil & Base Fertilizer
- New Tank
- normal light or metal halide
- Keeping a crypt-only tank
- Adding of ice or cold water?
- dead moss and dark green hairy algae..
- Diy co2 problem
- Tank Water Measurement
- HI all
- mesh
- tear down tank
- Discus in planted
- Color of PL light
- Canister Filter
- auto start for ....
- Kh Up and Kh Plus
- Silicon for tank
- Heating Cable
- General summary on how to grow plants well
- brown willow moss!
- wat is a chiller?
- Cloudy water..
- Foreground Plants
- betta tank
- Where in Singapore to buy tank and accessories?
- From 2 Feet to 3 Feet Tank.....
- discus in planted
- Test kits
- Chlorox the way for BBA
- trying to add abse fert into a a tank
- light in 2 feet tank
- BIO ball and ring
- Drift Wood
- KNO3, K2SO4 and shrimps
- CO2 affect temp?