General discussions about freshwater fishes and other creatures. For specific species discussion, please post in the respective sub forum.
Fishes in this group can breate atmospheric air due to a unique labyrinth organ. Many live in low oxygen water and are commonly seen gulping at air at the surface; which then passes out of their gills or mouth when they dive beneath the surface. Bettas, gouramis, and African Bushfishes would belong to this family.
Dominant in the Americas and Africa, there are over 1,400 species of Characins. They can be recognized by the presence of an adipose fin between the tail and the dorsal fin. This sub forum is for specific discussion on characins.
Cyprinids include barbs, rasboras, loaches and goldfishes. Distributed around S. E. Asia, Cyprinids can usually be identified by the barbels at the mouth. This sub forum is for specific discussion on cyprinids.
There are over 2000 species of cichlids, including dwarf cichlids, discus, angelfish as well as African Rift Lake Cichlids. This sub forum is for specific discussion on cichlids.
There are about 2,200 species of catfishes, of which some 1,200 are South American. This sub forum is for specific discussion on catfishes.
As their name suggests, these fishes give birth to live young. Guppies, Mollies, Platies and Swordtails are some of the fishes that form this group.
Dedicated sub forum for this unique species. This forum is an extension of community.
This sub forum is for specific discussion on shrimps, crayfish and snails.