Just did a 50% water change for crs, nitrate dropped to 40ppm
Hey guys, need some urgent help.
I have 2 tanks, one for fire red (4.5gal) and one for crs (7.2gal)
The fire red tank has been running for more than half a year, crs just started 3 weeks ago.
Recently, my nitrates level have been very high, few fire red died and one crs died.
Fire red tank has java fern and marsh pennywort, crs has dwarf hairgrass and anubias.
I also bought denitrate for my crs tank.
Nitrate level
Fire red - 30ppm (reached up to 80, did 50% water change for a few days and it dropped to 20ppm)
CRS - at least 80ppm (did some water change, dropped to 40ppm but increased again, dont dare to do more)
Tap water - 5ppm
I feed JBL novoprawn food (2 pellets in the morning and one at night), bacter ae twice a week
Dont think overfeeding is the culprit, shrimps finish them within 2h.
Could someone advise me what to do
Just did a 50% water change for crs, nitrate dropped to 40ppm
Its very late to post now but hope things are ok.
Nitrate is the final form of nitrogen in the tank so it is going to accumulate regardless.
In the early stages if you have substrate like aquasoil, it is going to release various forms of nitrogen which eventually will be converted by aquarium bacteria to nitrates.
Also from animal food.
Even if you don’t overfeed, you are adding nitrogen to the system which ends up being nitrate.
So you really only have 3 options
Do lots of water changes and/or
Plant really fast growing plants. Duckweed is pretty good at absorbing all the excess nutrients in a water system. and/or
Reduce the animal bioload in the system. Having said that, shrimp generally do not contribute as much to nitrogen waste as fish.
Also you can consider underfeeding the animals a bit for a while.
Generally as your tank matures further the problem should become less of an issue, as the nitrogen leaches out from the substrate.
Last edited by pym; 30th Oct 2022 at 14:46.