Guidelines for posting in the LFS sighting section
Dear members,
Kindly take note of the following when posting/sharing in this sub-forum.
For reporting of sighting, please:
- Select the "Sighted" prefix for the thread title.
- State the date/month/year in the title. E.g. 27 Jul 08. This will allow members to quickly determine how old the sighting is and if it is still valid.
- State the location/shop of the sighting in the title. This will allows the members to determine if it's a shop they usually frequent.
- State briefly what was sighted in the title. E.g. Apisto, New CO2 reactor.
- Do not chat in this sub-forum or use it to organise gatherings. You may use the members lounge or the Event/gathering sub forum for that.
- Spell properly and avoid using SMS Lingo. This is a request to keep the postings readable to members from all walks of life and around the world.
Example of title:
[Sighted] 27 Jul 08 @ Qian Hu: Corydoras hastatus & Apistogramma sp "luffwaffe"
For request of sighting:
Please be specific on what you are requesting and select the "Request" prefix for the thread title.
Example of title:
[Request] Glossostigma elatinoides in the West
Also, please note the following:
All threads will be displayed for only 30 days. Older threads may be refered to by selecting the display option at the bottom of the sub forum.
All contributions in this sub forum will add to your post count.
Thank you for reading and we look forward to your active contribution to make this sub forum a relevant and useful resource.
Last edited by vinz; 4th Mar 2009 at 10:32.
I have dwarf cichlids in my tanks! Do you?