wah and the cover fish is our T. heteromorpha, some more is the bui bui version![]()
Just bought another old book from online shop (in China)
Exotic Aquarium Fishes by William T. Innes (The most popular neon tetra is named after him).
first published in 1935.
and mine is 3rd edition, published in 1938!!!
I checked the book, it doesn't have any library stamps, so could be personal collection. wondering who were the previous oweners and how it came to China.......
wah and the cover fish is our T. heteromorpha, some more is the bui bui version![]()
why I don't do garden hybrids and aquarium strains: natural species is a history of Nature, while hybrids are just the whims of Man.
hexazona · crumenatum · Galleria Botanica
Introducing William T. Innes
after reading it, now i know where the tradition of TFH comes from.........l
The book is written, photographed and published by William T. Innes alone...looking into the content, simply impressive
Embryos of Copella arnoldi!
Interesting tetra, never seen before (i don't know much about tetra!)
Three line pencil fish!! Colored!!
from Wikipedia
He had decided that the Kodachrome (tm) film of the day required too much light and did not accurately show the true colors of various fishes. Instead, he shot black and white photographs that were hand-painted, test-printed, and then repainted to fine-tune the color for publication.
got oddballs lover 70 years ago too!!
After characin is the cyprinid
check out the Danios!
Then this amazing Harlequin spawning picture!!
some Puntius specially posted for uncle Choy..
that is nice, what a catch!![]()
Hypancistrus and Tanganyikan cichlids breeding
Then catfish section..
Electric catfish!
Cory eggs!!!
Then into the killies section.
Impressive fins!
Platy got so many variety back then liao.....
labyrinth fish section.
Badis badis , color plates explaining why it's called chameleon fish!
paradise fish spawning! what a photographer!!
Betta pugnax, see the old name..
Then it's the cichlid section at last
Apistogramma sp "U2"...
Severum flaring!
Indian cichlid!
angel fish taking care of the eggs!!
and finally the king of ornamental fish!
last few section..
plant farm...wah..looks familiar....
fish farm..also looks similar
conclusion is there is something that never changes!
fishes were transported using ship and railway....this is was most interesting chapter...
Last page...The Aquarium magazine..first published in 1932, monthly issue ran all the way till 1967
2 dollar per year...how big was a dollar back then????????
my previous old book about ornamental fish was published in 1954 (uk one), now this is something before the war.![]()
a dollar was bigger than a bullock cart wheel
imagine if he had a DSLR!
why I don't do garden hybrids and aquarium strains: natural species is a history of Nature, while hybrids are just the whims of Man.
hexazona · crumenatum · Galleria Botanica
yeah, can see the pic is much better than than some of the mordern publication.
i paid only around SGD 37 for this book..damn happy....
From Wikipedia
Dr Innes was shocked to learn that Dr Herbert Axelrod had used these now-famous plates from EXOTIC AQUARIUM FISHES in another book produced by his publishing company, TFH. Innes sued. He won the case in 1955, but was awarded only $1, plus court costs, since the court could not determine that any monetary damage had been done.
When Innes failed to renew the copyright of the first edition, none other than Axelrod quickly took advantage of the situation and published a new version of the classic.
excuse me, but what the **** !!!
why I don't do garden hybrids and aquarium strains: natural species is a history of Nature, while hybrids are just the whims of Man.
hexazona · crumenatum · Galleria Botanica
old uncle Herb has quite a colourful history you don't know meh....
I know he was colourful but didn't realise was also utterly murky. thought he was arressted recently?
why I don't do garden hybrids and aquarium strains: natural species is a history of Nature, while hybrids are just the whims of Man.
hexazona · crumenatum · Galleria Botanica
Axelrod tells many tales of his adventures, but interviewers and biographers have had difficulty determining which are true. On leave in Japan during the Korean war, he claims to have met Emperor Hirohito and had a discussion of marine invertebrates with him. He says he corresponded with Winston Churchill about goldfish, and attended lectures at Princeton by Albert Einstein. He claims to have swum 24 km across Lake Ontario at the age of 10, and collected black panthers in the Amazon jungle for Walt Disney.
very colorful.![]()
I once owned this book. A friend gave it to me sometime during the early seventies. I must have read the book cover to cover several times but I was too stupid then to realise its value. One day whilst I was tidying up the bookshelf, I decided to throw it away. I was a real idiot then.
It was this very book that inspired me to keep Killifish. The drawings fascinated me and made me wondered why these fish were never sold in the local fish shops.
Mr Tree, if you can, please help me refresh my memory on these few points:
Somewhere in the book says that in England, the Neon Tetra was banned from fish competitions because it was the loveliest fish around then and was sure to win and take away the fun. The Cardinal hasn't been discovered yet.
There's also a chapter on the fish commonly known as the Black Shark and if my memory is correct, the book says that this fish was sold at USD5000 when it first appeared in the fish shops of Great Britain. The same fish is sold at our local fish shops for 50 cents, I think.
The chapter on Discus - the author wrote that no one has successfully bred the fish in captivity. In those days, they didn't know that you cannot remove the fry from the parents.
Loh K L
why I don't do garden hybrids and aquarium strains: natural species is a history of Nature, while hybrids are just the whims of Man.
hexazona · crumenatum · Galleria Botanica