Good News...![]()
Biotope Services Pte Ltd
Company Registered address: 10 Anson Road #09-17 Singapore 079903
Contact Number: 9188 3523 /9799 7576
Biz Registration: 200800845H
ADA Sales: [email protected]
Product enquiries: [email protected]
Good News...![]()
James GSE
congratulations to all winners and participants!
It will be wonderful to be able to view the event on the web for those of us who is unable to make it to the event on that day. Thanks in advance for the effort and looking forward to the video soon.
Congratulations to all winners and participants....![]()
How can i get my prizes?
Any one please could release the photos of participants???
will there be any photos of the competition tanks?!
We are now in discussion with the contestants if they are using the pictures for onward submission to the IAPLC 09 contest. If they are not using the pictures, we will be resizing them to post them up on a separate competition gallery. If they are, then we will put up the pictures much later.
Bearing in mind that the end of submission was just a few weeks ago, most contest would not have announced results within 30 days.
We thank you for your patience and understanding.
I have dwarf cichlids in my tanks! Do you?
For those who will be resubmitting their pictures, how should we go about doing it? Are we supposed to send the updated picture to ADA_SG?
Congrats to all the people who won!
Last edited by benny; 25th May 2009 at 17:59. Reason: SMS spelling
Apisto bitae,tefe
I write to stop to give them thanks to the organizers of the contest AQ+ADA, and in esperal to Benny, I end in the position(place) 18 and since(as,like) I am from Spain it(he,she) was not expecting to receive the diploma, but not, that surprise that today I come near by post the diploma of this magnificent contest, so(then,since) again congratulation for the maginifica organization and thanks to all, a greeting from Spain.
Where can we view the photos of the winners? Is there a link to the pictures?
Yup, no pictures? Anyway congrats!
BLog Shop Refferal
Congrats to all winners, many thanks Judges.
It's very nice to see all victor's tanks.
Last edited by lehuynhanhtuan; 6th Aug 2009 at 13:29.
Le Huynh Anh Tuan.
Congrats everyone! Let's have party on 2 May.
watch movies online
Congratulations to all Winners.