I have pondered for many years over the high tendency of plants, be it glosso, rotala green and other plants, creeping in the display tank of Sam Yick (marine parade brand) with gigantic growth and good colouration.

I've no chance to talk to the owner but I guess he may not tell me his secret. I thought it is high light intensity but that tank has a height of more than 2 ft (?) with T8 tubes. What about soil? They are using plain river sands.. Liquid fertiliser? Hmmm..maybe. I heard they installed a heater in the sand bed but that is only useful if there is winter here. Cool water? I am using chiller but can't produce the same effect..

Just came back from my drooling session and they even have a few small tanks with not so high intensity light but the glosso are creeping! If you go into the shop and look at the sand of the display tank from the rear, you could even see glosso diving into the sand for one good inch! Go see yourself and you will know what I meant.

I wonder if anyone has spoken with the owner of Sam Yick? I would certainly like to learn his trick and what liquid fertiliser he is using.