Hi bros,

As promised im gonna share some of my experience and picture on my tank set up

so here they are

So im trying out with the emersed method first to properly promote my HC rooting so far there were a few set backs.

The first problem i faced was having too much water in the tank and this lead to some of my HC melting away as well as appearance of white fungal strands.

So i rectified the problem by drying up some of the water by removing the cling wrap cover. Which lead to another problem which was the shoots of my HC are "burnt" or dried up. So it lead me to the red squirt bottle that can be seen beside my tank. Hopefully misting the tank will solve the drying of shoots problem.

Today i just got another batch of HC and planted them, oh, the pictures are of the newly planted HC by the way.

One thing i am worried about is the temperature of the tank. As it is replicating a "green house" system, the temperature rise to about 30 to 32ish. So far there are HC which are surviving it. Hoping for the best