are they easy to take care ? hows the maintenance like?
are they easy to take care ? hows the maintenance like?
These frogs are very easy to care for!
Daily changing of the water dish and picking up their poop if any.
The only concern most people may have is the feeding of live crickets as it is their staple source of food. I feed my frogs crickets, freshly molted mealworms and baby feeder froglets dusted with calcium to vary their diet.
Last edited by Cardinal Tetra; 25th Apr 2016 at 21:22.
No idea on the shedding as I've only had them for less than a month. Will take more pics but there's nothing interesting to show especially when I am secretly keeping them in a huge tub under my desk.
Still trying to convince the CO to allow for an exoterra setup at home, then I will continue 69efan69's legacy to share more setup pics.
Sharing my simple setup. Large tub.
Artificial grass mat bought from Daiso.
Added some branches and leaves collected.
The frogs in their new home.
This setup was done in a haste and cost only $10. $6 for the tub and 2x$2 for the Daiso grass mat.
The setup is only temporary for now till my exoterra setup is ready.
They eat their own shed, so you won't see any. I feed mine crickets, earthworms and super worms.
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Jimboa, nice healthy frog. Can share more pics of your setup? The superworms I see at lfs are quite large. Are they only feed to full adult frogs?
Yes. Adults only. I usually tong feed and crush the head of the worm first.
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Breakfast time!
Dusting the crickets with calcium
Direct feeding today. I alternate between direct feeding and placing their food in the tank for them to catch so as to keep them active.
Occasionally I will also drop in some freshly moulted mealworms as a surprise treat.
Happy and full. Time for bed now.
Saw an LFS in Serangoon selling $30 per green tree frogs.... madness.
Anyway I've found another LFS selling at almost half that price and they still have stock. Thinking of getting 1 more but don't think my tub has enough space.
Hi. Can share the lfs contact ?
Y618 seems to still have it I think
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Setup: ADA Cube Garden 45-P, Starlitz Clear 45, Eheim Aquacompact 40
Layout/Hardscape: ADA Amazonia Powder Soil, Borneowild Rutsuuddo Wood (SS Root Type)
Fauna: Apisto Trifasciata, Sundadanio Axelrodi (Blue), Yamato Shrimp
Jurong East Blk 217A. Not sure if they still have stock.