Please Read before Using the Marketplace Forums
Marketplace Disclaimer: Transact at YOUR OWN RISK
AQ assumes NO responsibility for any transactions made as a result of an advertisement
placed in our website. You buy and/or sell on AQ at your own risk. Please do NOT
expect AQ to investigate or resolve any disputes you may have.
As with any transaction made anywhere, it is the responsibility of the buyer to
check that the product they are buying is of acceptable condition, or the service
they are engaging has been performed satisfactorily BEFORE final payment.
Towards a Safer Marketplace: Use iTrader
We have installed the iTrader rating system to allow buyers and sellers to rate
each other after a transaction. Before you transact with any one, you are strongly
encouraged to check the iTrader system for ratings and feedback about the other
party. Their feedback score is displayed above their posts and click on the score
will bring you to their detailed iTrader ratings and profile.
This system only works well when there are enough ratings to provide reliable information
about an AQ member. Help the make the Marketplace forums safer by rating your counterpart
after a transaction.
Marketplace Rules
We have rather strict, no-nonsense
rules for our Marketplace. We also apply our
General Rules strictly to Marketplace threads/posts. Please read them before
you start posting and before you start asking why your posts dissappear
or why you cannot post in the Marketplace. Key points to note:
- Marketplace threads/posts that break our rules will be deleted without notice.
- Members must meet certain criteria before they can start new threads in the marketplace
forums. However, all members can reply to existing threads.
All queries about why you cannot post to the Marketplace will be ignored. The criteria
and granting process for Marketplace access are clearly stated in the rules, so
please read them carefully.
Also, please note the following General rules:
- Do NOT use SMS/IM lingo (e.g.: 'mi', 'u , 'ur', 'izit',
'pls'). Please spell properly.
- Do NOT bump or 'up' threads.
- Do NOT use coded phrases for currency (e.g.: blue note, red note, gold coin).
The above are by NO means the complete rules. Please
click here for the full set of rules.